Maryland Historical Trust Historic Sites Survey
The Maryland Inventory of Historic Properties is a research and documentation instrument that serves as an archive of information to further the understanding of the State’s architectural, archeological, and cultural resources. To date, the MIHP is comprised of nearly 90,000 resources, composed of archaeological sites, building, structures, objects and survey districts. A Maryland Inventory form provides a description of historic resource and discusses its history, but the MIHP is not a regulatory instrument, and the determination of a resource’s historic significance is not a requirement for inclusion. Maryland State law provides elsewhere for mechanisms – separate from the MIHP – giving both the State and local jurisdictions the authority to regulate appropriately designated historic resources. The Maryland Inventory should not be confused with the National Register of Historic Places, the Maryland Register of Historic Properties, or local lists of locally designated historic resources, although resources listed in all of the above categories are included in the Maryland Inventory.
This website is maintained by the Maryland State Archives.
Historic Preservation in Maryland
Historic Preservation & Sustainability
National Register of Historic Places
MHT Library
Local Historic Districts
Historical Markers
Cemeteries & Monuments
Living Traditions &
Oral History
National Register of Historic Places, National Park Service
National Historic Landmarks Program, National Park Service
Historic American Buldings Survey
Historic American Engineering Record
Historic American Landscape Survey
Maryland Historical Trust
Maryland State Archives
Maryland Historical Society
Vernacular Architecture Forum
MERLIN - Online Mapping